Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tasty Healthy Food Basket

Hi, I wanted to let you know that your pecan turtle and cashew food basket was delicious. I surprised my wife with the basket and she loved it. I was surpised myself at how good it tasted while being healthy!


Tom Williams,

Friday, October 10, 2008

We want more Eco Toys

Hi, I stopped buying my son toys from Mattel and toys from China about a year ago. I stopped purchasing these toys becuase of the recalls, and unsafe allegations that were all over the media about them. I love my son way too much to take the risk. I love the fact that there is an eco toy section on your site. The footbags are so cute, and I just ordered the Bamboo Brain Buster game. I think these eco toys are a great idea and that you should put as many as you can on the site. I love them and I have defintely told my friends about them. Just wanted to let you know.

Lucy Williams,

Green News

Hi, I am a teacher at a Chicago Public School. I spend a lot of time trying to teach my students ways to protect our environment, and eating healthy. After reviewing your green news links I believe I will bring some of these readings to my classroom for discussion. I want to congratulate you guys on providing great environmental news. I will always be checking for updates!

Cheryl Wilson,
CPS teacher